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Second Time Around With Dray

With Brando still hopping around the Greek isles; Dray honored us again with another fabulous meal for our Sunday dinner. This time he went with Asian flavors and hit yet another homerun.

He made the most delicious San Francisco style, Garlic Sesame Noodles using Udon noodles doused in soy sauce, fresh garlic, fish sauce. The bowl was scraped clean.

Enzo keeps having a hankering for fried rice and pleaded with Dray to have it be a part of the meal. Dray acquiesced with two fried rice dishes. A fried rice with crab meat, Thai chilis, eggs, scallions, and a fried rice with crab meat, fried green onions, lime and cilantro. Not only did we have seconds that night but for the next few mornings we threw in more eggs and had it for breakfast. A version of Nasi Goreng which is a fabulous Indonesian Fried Rice.

We were in heaven.

Dray’s piece de resistance was his Chinese Char Siu style spareribs.

They were sticky, molasses like and trust me they were finger licking good. This dish was everyone’s favorite of the night. Although the rice dishes certainly battled for first place.

And on the lighter side to help balance out the meal, Dray’s lightly fried green beans in sesame oil and garlic were yummy. You don’t have to remind people to eat their vegetable with green beans like these.

Cold Cucumber salad topped with sesame seeds is always a favorite.

I was snacking on these before they even hit the table.

To wash it all down I chose Tsingtao Beer poured into tall, chilled beer mugs. A delicious pale lager that drank perfectly with Dray’s dinner delights. Coincidentally,

it happened to be one of Dray’s favorite Asian beers. Great minds think alike.

Enzo and I topped off the night with our homemade rice pudding. I must admit, it is fun to hear all the oohs and ahh's when people are tasting your efforts.


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