Well, well…Enzo had to be emergency evacuated out of a wilderness trip with an acute case of Giardia. (Educated Guess) He is well and healthy now, but we are going on an intense 45-day cleanse in a couple of weeks. Holy Shit! So, what do you think he has asked Chef Brando to make him for Sunday Funday?

Yep!! Shepard’s Pie, Yorkshire Pudding, Mushy Peas and Trifle. Honestly, I think it’s becoming a Chef Brando Classic in this house. There are some traditions worth keeping. And The English know what's up with this meal.
Enzo and I ate it again the next day with plenty of yummy moans and groans. It wasn’t until the following Wednesday, that Enzo polished off the Trifle. (Surprisingly, it kept that long)
Honestly, this house will eat this, Fall, Winter, spring and Summer. Just keep bringing it!