"5 or 6 young men enter your house carrying their entire kitchen."
I honestly don’t know where to begin with this phenomenon I had in my house. For a couple of months, my son Dante, kept showing me these photos of food on Instagram that looked out of this World. He kept slipping the photos under my nose and finally I had to agree SHOKU LA could not be ignored. Did they have a restaurant? NO. Could I try their food first? NO. They are the first (I believe or that I know of) internet chef sensation. A new meaning to a Blind Tasting. No clue if their photos were photoshopped? If they were any good at all. Certainly, the buzz around them was definitely generating and exciting. I knew I wanted in.
I finally reasoned…Enzo had Shunji for his graduation…I had Chef Sammy for a belated THANKSGIVING dinner and Dante picked SHOKU LA. It was his turn to choose. And why the hell not? I’m a jump in with 2 feet type of person… (usually)

The definition of SHOKU means both, food and the action of eating... the culture of eating. In the Japanese world of cuisine there is honor, integrity...there is great importance when it comes to the act of eating. Already, I was having goosebumps. And trust me they do not disappoint. These chefs, actually twins, Brian and David, take you all over the world working with the very ‘best of the best’ in procuring fish, beef or whatever you may choose on the menu. They take days, even weeks, developing your custom menu.
It is known that we begin eating with our eyes and that is exactly how Dante, and I began designing our first dinner with SHOKU LA. Russ is the main man orchestrating the menu between the client and the chefs. He is fabulous and wants to make all your dreams come true. If you ask me…look at their Instagram page…SHOKU LA and pick 3-5 courses and let them surprise you with the rest. I’ve now had them at my home twice and yes, they are starting to be favorites! Next time, however, I just might let them run the entire menu. Every dish a surprise…it would be like Christmas.

5 or 6 young men enter your house carrying their entire kitchen. They descend upon your kitchen and totally take over. They need nothing from you except outlet locations. They have all the dishes, utensils, napkins…EVERYTHING…they don’t even need your kitchen staff or housekeeper. The only thing I supplied were magnificent wines, wine glasses and water glasses. And get this…they leave your kitchen immaculate.
I’ve had plenty of chefs work in my kitchen, but none work the way this brigade does. I call them a brigade because every person is quintessential to the private dining experience they are presenting. Each person works as a right or left limb to the twins…yes TWINS that are creating this magnificent almost theatrical experience. I have included both evenings menus’ but trust me, what you see is not exactly what you expect. (yes you pick the title of your menu)

I, one day hope to get an interview with the twins and their team but I have gleamed little bits of background information. From what I’ve gathered, they have travelled the world and began as young artists. Art, food, flavors and design is something that comes naturally to them. They have enveloped their worldly travels with their unique design talents and infused both into their new creations. They’ve created a magnificent Private Dining Experience. Shockingly, they have never been to culinary school nor have they been mentored in any highfalutin kitchens.

Peruse their menus and you will see familiar, homey comfort foods along with playful childlike foods…but don’t let that fool you…Yes, the familiarity is there, but they are spinning it in such a way as that it is refined, expensive and elegant. Can Sour Patch Ice Cream be elegant? You bet. Chef Cody is the mastermind behind their exquisite desserts.
Under their masterful hand, comfort and familiar foods like, Philly Cheese Steak, Tuna Tartare, Lobster Rolls, Sour patch candies all transport you to other worldly galaxies. Your taste buds have never experienced anything quite like it.

Not only are they spinning what you know and love, they are also making you and your guests’ part of a highly exclusive circle. The best Uni fished from the deepest depths of Japanese waters to Wagyu beef in which only two cows are sold in a month. Spoiled? Exclusive? Yes, and oh so delicious!
I’ve experienced their talent twice. The second time was Enzo’s 23rd birthday. Their entire team is vaccinated which calmed some fears. A word that kept describing the experience from the 23 year old young men? EPIC!!! Trust me, what SHOKU LA puts in front of you is nothing less than magical.