What does our future hold regarding Farming and Agriculture?

How do we take back control to ensure healthy and safe foods for ourselves, our children, and an ever-growing worldwide population?
The concern is not only for us but for our planet as well.
Climate change has been a known fact since the early 19th century. Completely ignored by corporations/firms like Chevron, Exxon, BP and Shell (just to name a few). We are now at a precipice. Today, animal agriculture is a threat to humanity and all life on Earth. It is a major contributing cause to our environmental collapse. It feels as if the world is waking up to its harmful effects, however: cheap labor and the American Way of Mass Production and the assembly line is the root of this very evil for ourselves, our bodies, and our planet.
Farming and agriculture are driven by peoples’ needs, desires, and demands. Worldwide population is estimated to reach 5 billion by 2030. With this mounting pressure how do we become more responsible, sustainable and cruelty free? It is an astounding conundrum.
What is the definition of Sustainable farming? It allows for the production of healthy foods without destroying the agriculture of future generation. It does not damage the soil, environment, or earth. Thus, it can continually provide without damage to itself.
How do we get back to working in harmony with nature? How do we convince corporations, fast food joints and the entire farming industry, and by that, I mean: ocean farming, animal agriculture, vegetable and fruit farming, herb farming, grain farming and any other types of farming, that we need to scale back and implement sustainable farming in each and every division of farming?
I am talking about the destruction of all types of farming, but I would be remiss if I didn’t include the gross amount of intentional animal cruelty by famers as well as how cruel their environmental habitats are.
The invention of the camera phone has allowed the world to take an honest look at how atrocious and cruel farming animals is throughout the world.
The old adage, ‘act locally, think globally’ is extremely important and is a beautiful step towards the right direction. We must all be encouraged to move the dial in this direction. However, it is on the mass scale that we need to convince corporations, fast food joints and the like to scale back and rethink and implement an entirely new and sustainable way of farming that is cruelty free.
As I mentioned earlier there are many types of farming but let’s break it down to a few easy subsets.
The definition of Farming is the act of working the ground, planting seeds, and growing edible plants. It is also the act of raising animals for dairy and/or meat.
Pastoral Farming which includes raising animals: cows, sheep, goats, chickens
Arable Farming grows crops, wheat, and barley
Mixed Farming combines both pastoral and arable farming. (animals and crops)
Commercial Farming is basically any and all agriculture- both food and dairy and are for sale usually on a wide scale. This type of farming is the main influencer of the global agricultural industry. It requires the most manpower, land and of course capital.
Intensive Farming pushes agriculture beyond its natural rhythm by various means such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This type of farming is creating soil erosion on a massive
Extensive Farming uses small amounts of labor and capital in relation to area of land being farmed. Crops depend mostly on the already existing fertility of the soil, the terrain, the climate, and the availability of water.
Subsistence Farming is a way of being self-sufficient for the individual and or their communities. A true survival method- Only going as far as local and usually staying within the homes of the farmers themselves.
Organic Farming refers to the usage of compost manure, green manure, and bone meal- focusing on the techniques of crop rotation and companion planting.
Aquafarming or Aquaculture, expands both off and on land, consisting of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, algae and other aquatic plants.
Biodynamic Farming is the original method of Organic Farming and currently the en vogue farming of the moment. Living soil is its mantra and is achieved by composting, animal fertilization, cover cropping and crop rotation. They also pay attention to lunar cycles with regard to planting and harvesting.
Cruelty… I would be remiss if I didn’t touch upon the brutality and cruelty that we are witnessing on our farm animals globally. The advent of the camera phone has awakened the world to these abuses. Much the same way police brutality has, we clearly now see and know the harm that is happening to the very food we are consuming.
When packaging describes cage free, there is a certain image one conjures up of healthy animals running free in the sunshine. As shown in the video above by VitalFarms.
Not living on top of each other by the thousands cramped indoors in small spaces, suffocating, and injured. True, they are not in a cage and thus can be labeled cage free. This is inhumane and beyond cruel. Loopholes need to be shut down and this needs to happen globally.
We are living between two distinct divides. Those that don’t give a shit, except for mass production at any cost and those that want a more sustainable, loving and humane enviornment.
The majority of the world can agree that energy is real and tangible. Therefore, an easy conclusion would be the very food we consume must be at its most loving and healthy self. Plants, fruit, vegetables and animals need a loving, healthy nutrition rich and carefree enviornment.
That is what our bodies and souls crave.
The produce and animals that have been sprayed with poisons, beaten, injected with antibiotics, babies ripped from anguished mothers…this is not what we want to nourish ourselves. This is making our population sick as well as our planet. This energy is traumatized, sick and in pain. Why would anyone want to consume that? You/We can no longer claim ignorance with current videos and photos at your fingertips.
I will continue to peel this onion. In the meantime, reflect, then act, buy organic, buy from farms that raise healthy animals, buy produce that grow without pesticides and arsenic. Make a contribution towards a healthier way of living, eating and breathing for yourselves and for our planet.