Brando delivering homemade warmth and comfort.

I have been hosting a SundayFunday at my home for quite a few years but have never
documented them…until now. Sunday’s have varied throughout the years. An amalgamation
of: Movies, Yoga, Qigong, Massages, Mani/Pedi’s, Swimming, Hiking and most importantly
Wine and Dinner. I am now inviting y’all along.
Dinner is always a surprise. Sometimes we cook or get take-out or just heat up leftovers. My good friend Kelly
and her kids, Samuel, Svea and Sienna (my God Children) are usually in attendance. We always
give kudos to Samuel for the willingness to try anything as well as being the most adventurous
of the three kids.

Lately, however, Chef Brando (of our very own ASK BRANDO) has been leading the charge in my
kitchen on Sundays. Occasionally, giving friends and I tutorials. For Example, Kelly has always
wanted to learn how to make Gordon Ramsey’s Beef Wellington, and with Chef Brando at the helm, our first attempt was SPECTACULAR.

I wanted to learn the decadent yet sinful chocolate mousse. Again, Chef Brando is an excellent teacher...slowing it down for us novices and helping us deliver an award-winning meal. This may be on of his all time BEST. Honestly, pick any cuisine around the world and Chef Brando can deliver a home-run every time.